Hello there! In this post I have decided to blog on a photography technique called 'Zoom Burst'. This technique is used by photographers to highlight the given pin pointed object under focus. It is a highly skilled technique that requires at least a month of experience with a DSLR camera. The basic principle of this method is usage of lower shutter speeds to capture a trail of light which persists in the CMOS sensor of the DSLR camera. One needn't be a professional in photography to achieve these kinds of effects in the camera. Most of the people prefer to get these effects with the help of Photoshop or any photo editing software. But I personally believe that "the true spirit of photography lies in discovering new ways of seeing things, different from other people." One can truly enjoy his/her efforts in these fields of photography. I did get stunning results with this, but lacking time to perform more experiments, I satisfied myself with few pictures. St...
Python, Machine Learning and AI. Canon photographer by hobby. Here I write what I feel.