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Showing posts from February, 2016

Quartz Coin Can Store 360 TB of Data Forever!!

Hello there! All of those important files you have can now be stored for essentially forever. New developments in the technology of digitally based laser memory made by researchers at Southampton University in the UK have enabled information to be  stored for 14 billion years!!  To put this into perspective, it is estimated that the universe it 12.5 billion years old; the memory will last practically forever. Using a process similar to laser engraving, seen below, 360 Terabytes of data can now be stored on a quartz disk the size of a small coin. Not only can it store data forever, it is stable up to temperatures of 160°C. The laser machine utilizes femtosecond pulses to write data to the coin in a 3D configuration. This multi-dimensional storage is being dubbed  5D memory technology . These 5 dimensions are made up of the 3 spacial directions as well as 2 additional dimensions encoded from polarity and intensity of the dot. Beings dist...

Polonium-210, the most lethal chemical element known to man!

Hello there! To those unfamiliar with the bad boys of the periodic table, imagine Polonium as the worst bad guy. In fact he would most likely be the gang leader, considering it  takes less than a microgram of this substance  to constitute a fatal dose. To help you better image exactly how much a microgram is, it is about no larger than a spec of dust. But what exactly makes Polonium so deadly, that even a microgram could take out a healthy human being? Let us back track a bit. Polonium 210 was first discovered as a radioactive chemical element (atomic number 84) in 1898 by Marie Curie. She found it in a source of Uranium and it takes the form of a solid metal with a silver color. Later winning a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her discovery, she also a found another element, radium. They first saw the effects of how dangerous this element was after a lab accident exposed her own daughter to a fatal amount, evoking leukemia, which lead to her dea...