Hello there! It has been a very long time after my last blog. I was busy in thinking about this. Ya! A thought into another dimension. Some concepts of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle had been bothering me for the past few days and just like the hot spring erupting from the arctic ice, a new thought occurred into my network of neurons recently. I would like to explain this in the coming sections. I recommend all the physics enthusiasts to go through this topic and give it a thought. The Uncertainty: According to Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, it is impossible to determine simultaneously the exact position and momentum of a subatomic particle. He uses the Planck's constant and derives the mathematical relation between them. There is another part of the theory: It is impossible to determine the energy and time of a subatomic particle simultaneously. But there is something beyond what these equations of the nature wants us to know. But before that let u...
Python, Machine Learning and AI. Canon photographer by hobby. Here I write what I feel.