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A Question...

Hello there!

   I am writing this post because I am expecting the viewers of this post to leave me replies or answers for the question I am posting here. This question has been haunting me for the past two years and even the best of my physics lecturers have not been successful in answering me satisfactorily. So, with an expectation that at least one of the viewer might come up with an appropriate answer, I here by present you the question:

Frame 1:

   In the frame one (please note that frame here does not refer to the frame of reference), I come up with the first part of my question. The question is completely related to physics and that too classical and relativistic mechanics.

The first assumption:

 "Suppose I consider an ideal inductor connected to an ideal galvanometer, such that even the most quantum change in the magnetic flux can be detected, it is obvious that any minute change in the magnetic flux linked with the inductor coil, shall induce small amount of current in the inductor-galvanometer circuit."

  If the above situation is true then;

The second assumption:

"The whole setup of inductor-galvanometer circuit is setup on an ideal train in which an observer is situated and at no cost he can see the outer world. The assumption is made such that the train is on the surface of the earth only and has the capacity to move in one dimension with the velocity of light or slower, but can never accelerate or decelerate" 

Frame 2:

   In the second frame (please note that frame here does not refer to the frame of reference), I come up with the second part of the question. Here I am taking into consideration the postulates and outcomes of Special Theory of Relativity.

The postulates:

   According to the postulates of Special Theory of Relativity,
"1. The velocity of light remains constant in all the inertial frames;
  2All the laws of physics are same in all the inertial frames"

    With the help of the second postulate of Albert Einstein, we can conclude that,
"No experiment conducted in within an inertial frame can tell you whether you are moving or not"

Considering both the frames, now comes the question;

The Question:

"Suppose the train (mentioned earlier) is now moving in a particular direction with some velocity, due to the influence of the earth's magnetic field, there is an induction of electro motive force in the galvanometer. The observer inside the train will now come to know that he is moving. But this disagrees with the postulates and outcomes of the relativistic mechanics!"

 Those who come up with a good and reasonable answer, please mail the answer to me: Thank you for reading this!

                                                                                             M Navneeth Krishna


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